Publishing in IMACS for NSCF-2018 participants | Национальный Суперкомпьютерный Форум (2021)
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Publishing in IMACS for NSCF-2018 participants


Dear colleagues,
Participants of the NSCF-2018 have the opportunity to publish an original research paper in the special issue of the journal Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (
The journal is indexed in Web of Science and Scopus, impact factor of the journal is 1.218.
The issue will cover research results in the following areas:
Mathematical models and their applications, numerical analysis and computational algorithms, software for scientific and engineering calculations, compilers and system software for computer simulations.
For the preparation of articles, we recommend to use the Elsevier style set in accordance with the requirements on the journal’s website ( The manuscript size is 10-15 pages.
Pdf files with your manuscripts should be sent before December 15, 2018 to . After that, papers will be selected and reviewed, comments will be sent to the authors.

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